Wollongong new/dark wave five piece DROVES started out a couple of years ago as GIVERNY – a solo project by singer-songwriter & multi instrumentalist Phillip Spiteri. Dark electronic beats and haunting guitar reverb were his stock in trade, and after a few singles (and many shows later) they morphed into a full live band. At the recent Yours and Owls festival in Wollongong they officially debuted as DROVES and last Friday launched their new single ‘Time‘ at Lazybones in Sydney. Arriving at Lazybones on a balmy Friday night I navigated the labyrinthian staircases and corridors to find the main band room. The first level opened up onto a smaller stage with alcoves of people huddled around tables awaiting the evening’s entertainment whilst jazz piped softly in the background. After ordering a drink from the bar, I surveyed the room for familiar faces and thought I had the wrong venue. Delving back into another set of corridors (and another staircase) I opened the door to a larger...