How to Sell Insurance On High Value Instead of Low Price
What do computers, monkeys, and my 3 year old daughter all have in common? They can all sell insurance on price alone. A professional insurance salesperson (like you) must be able to connect with prospects and help them understand and internalize the value of the insurance you’re selling. If you only sell insurance on price, you will eventually be replaced because: There will always be another company with lower rates. When people buy from you just to save money, they’ll leave just as fast. A call center employee can quote more people faster and cheaper than you. A website can give millions of quotes per second even faster and cheaper. I’m not an idiot. I know that price is the primary driver of insurance sales. But I also know that selling on price alone will be the downfall of you, your agency, and the entire agency sale model. Here’s 14 tips you can implement today to sell insurance on value. Not one of these tips takes more than a little conscious effort. 1) Ta...